- Vainglory
made: 2015
Cons worn to: PAX East 2015
I was lucky enough to be hired by Super Evil Megacorp to make and model this costume from their game Vainglory! I was under a very short deadline, so I had the help of the awesome Jia*Jem with all the armor peices -- without her this costume wouldn't have been finished in time.
I did all of the sewing, and altered boots to fit the character.The jacket was from a commercial pattern that I altered while the skirt, thigh highs, bag, and harness patterns were all drafted by me. The hip bag was the most challenging thing for me to make and I managed to finish it the day before I left for PAX East. This was also the first costume that I have gotten to work with Worbla. I loved how easy it was to work with!
I had a wonderful time repping Super Evil Megacorp and their game Vainglory with Jia*Jem that year. Definately an experience to be cherished!
White Cotton
- Jacket, skirt
Red Lyrca - Thigh highs
Red Vinyl - Hip bag, buttons on shirt
Red Brocade - Bias trim on jacket
**Wig styled by myself**